Ai And Intellectual Property

Cara Buat Link WhatsApp Langsung ke Chat Pribadi

This Powerful AI Technique Led to Clashes at Google and Fierce Debate in Tech.

Sekarang ini, kita dapat lakukan kirim pesan ke pemakai WhatsApp lain tanpa perlu simpan nomor telephone.

Pasti ini jadi feature yang dinanti-nantikan oleh beberapa pelaku bisnis online yang memakai WhatsApp untuk berkomunikasi dengan calon customer, cukup memasangkan link WhatsApp saja.

Feature WhatsApp Link to Chat ini benar-benar berguna untuk pebisnis online, bagaimana tidak bila dahulu harus memakai SMS, Telephone atau memakai live chat yang memerlukan usaha lebih buat sekadar bertanya mengenai produk.

Disamping itu dari segi penjual, karena ada WhatsApp link... read more

So, what is a neural network? 9 minute read

The omnipresence of technology nowadays has made it commonplace to read news about AI, just a quick glance at today’s headlines, and I get:

Topics from business, manufacturing, supply chain, medicine and biotech and even defense are covered in those news headlines, definitively the... read more

Starting the adventure 10 minute read

In the midst of a global pandemic caused by the SARS-COV2 coronavirus; I decided to start blogging. I wanted to blog since a long time, I have always enjoyed writing, but many unknowns and having “no time” for it prevented me from taking it up. Things like: “I don’t really know who my target audience is”, “what would my topic or topics be?”, “I don’t think I am a world-class expert in anything”, and many more kept stopping me from setting up my own blog. Now seemed like a good time as any so with those and tons of other... read more